
St. Trinity Lutheran Preschool is designed to mesh appropriate materials and equipment with the developmental needs of children as they gain mastery over the important foundation skills that are the forerunner to reading, writing, and arithmetic.

  • Bible songs and stories
  • Colors, letters, shapes and numbers
  • Science and social studies
  • Chapel Time
  • And…lots, lots more!

We are a developmental, hands-on, language-rich, music-infused preschool, where art and literature abound in a happy, friendly environment.


Our Mission

The mission of St. Trinity Lutheran Preschool is to offer a developmental Christian and pre-kindergarten program dedicated to equipping children with the tools they need as they grow and enable them to share the love and salvation offered by Jesus Christ.


Our Philosophy

We are a Christian preschool dedicated to the growth and development of every unique child. As every child's development of self-concept begins at birth, respect for individuality is crucial so that each may come to know he or she is a special part of God’s creation. [read more...]


Three- Year Olds

Children who are three years old will focus on colors and shapes and move at their own pace while learning math and language concepts. Three year olds are still focusing on play which is key to their learning. They will learn skills of negotiation, problem-solving, and friendship.

Preschool Girl Drawing

Four- Year Olds

Children progress through their preschool years at different rates and have a wide range of abilities. It is our goal to build on these abilities and interests as we guide and teach them. We will provide opportunities for learning to meet the individual needs of each child to the best of our ability.

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Meet the Director


Pam Hughes

(248) 620-6154