Adult Bible Study and Children’s Sunday School
Sunday Morning Bible Classes 10:45am – 11:45am
Pastor's Bible Study meets each Sunday in the Family Life Classroom across from the gym.
Phyllis's Bible Study meets each Sunday in the "L" room during the school year.
Children’s Sunday School for children Preschool through 5th grade. Meets in the Fellowship Hall at 10:45.
Junior High Bible Study Grades 6th – 8th. Meets in the Fellowship Hall throughout the school year.
Senior High Bible Study Grades 9th – 12th. Meets in “Grace Haven” room in the southwest corner of the building.
Bible Classes During the Week
Youth Confirmation
Meets every Sunday from 10:45am-12N in the Pastor's Office. For students in 6-8th Grades.
Men’s Bible Study - Tuesday
Meets in the FLC classrooms across from the gym on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 9:30 AM
Women’s Bible Study - Wednesday
Meets in the FLC classrooms across from the gym on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays at 9:30 AM.
Weeknight Bible Classes
Currently we do not have any weeknight Bible classes.