Circuit-Wide Midweek Lenten Rotation
Join us as we once again worship together with the other churches in our circuit during the season of Lent. This year we will be focusing on the Five Solas (or onlys) of the Reformation and what they mean for us today. Each week we will all gather together at one of the churches to worship and join in fellowship and food. Dinners will begin at 6 PM and the services will begin at 7 PM. Please see below for the date and church for each week.
Wednesday, February 21 — Journey, Oxford – Sola Scriptura
Wednesday, February 28 — St. Trinity, Clarkston – Solus Christus
Wednesday, March 6 — Good Shepherd, Lake Orion – Sola Fide
Wednesday, March 13 — Crown of Life, Rochester Hills – Sola Gratia
Wednesday, March 20 — St. Paul, Pontiac – Soli Deo Gloria